Sunday, 21 December 2008


Firstly i wanna say good job everyone we did it!!!
everyone meaning everyone who is involved be it performers, choreographers, emcees, psp, lighting people and anyone who has contributed to the success of this production.

Im very happy!!!!! but yet sad at the same time :(
cos its over.... and i miss the feeling of every single thing..
getting excited for danzation tgt,
practising tgt,
meetings tgt,
full runs tgt,
full rehearsal tgt,
eating tgt,
dancing on the stage tgt,
and doing everything tgt.
It wouldn't be the same anymore :(

Thanks to all the external people whom i danced with..

Tanglin sec - You all are so lovable man!! it is really fun to know u guys.. U all have bright future ahead so dun ever stop dancing k!! lets come together and dance again real soon!! loves :)

SDZ - U all are crazy people jus like us! i really enjoyed performing with u guys on stage :) and u all are so sweeeet.... thanks for the book, the card, and not forgetting the donuts. it really means alot to me.. i hope we means alot to each other too :)

Da Streets - I'm very happy to be able to dance with u people man.... thanks xuanfeng and joyce for giving me this chance.. thanks to the 3 choreographers for the awesome choreography.. i love it alot :)

Blast Alumnis - thanks Ann for allowing me to learn from Patrick Loo and his students.. Im very honoured.. learnt so so much from all of u.. Professionalism is definitely in u guys.. U all are great continue to jiayou!!

Dance Dynamix - thanks Mrs choo for sponsoring all the lessons.. i've definitely learnt something new which i can apply to wat im doing in nra.. thanks Sam and Michelle for always being so patient although we are very bad at doing latin ><>

To the rest of the external guests, i really wish to know all of u but i very scared to like just go and act friendly i scared!! sorrry!! but if got chance really mus get to know all of u..

and talking about knowing people... i realised i still dunno alot of freshies!! Sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i feel damn damn damn guilty for not knowing your names.. thanks for cheering and encouraging and motivating.. appreciate it alot!!! but giv me time to find the chance to get to know all your names k!! i will de!!

I wanna thank all choreographers, for giving me a chance to dance your routine, to learn from u, and to dance with u... really really learnt alot from each of u.. thanks for sharing :)

Thanks to all my dance partners and my dancemates who are in the same item as me... it really feels good to be on stage with u guys.. and i miss it alot.. u guys have taught me some things too... and those who are not in the same item as me, thanks so much for always cheering for the item.. can feel u all really shout your lungs out.. I got cheer for all of u oso!! haha.. must drink more water these few days k..

and costume.. shufang, omg.... u are amazing... putting others infront of u.. packing costumes in bags for EACH dancer.. it really touches me.. and all your hardwork.. its not wasted.. and very sorry i know i dint help much ><>
but i still love u as a good fren :D

wanna thank the audience oso.. thanks for coming down to support the show u guys played an important role as well :) hope u all enjoyed and learn something precious from it :)

and Ann, really respect u alot.. i can nvr stop learning from u... i feel so lucky to be your student :)

lastly i wanna say a big thank you to my darling.... without u i would have gave up on myself long ago.. thanks for always being there to support me.. u are always so understanding.. finally had the chance to dance together :) hope u feel happy too :) thanks for all the love..
i love you :)

Lets celebrate! :D

will post photos when i get them!